Monday, September 29, 2008

bridesmaids totes

I kind of like Keep Calm's new alphabet totes... I think they'd be fun for bm gift totes... yes? or for any other gift or non-gift appropriate occasion. I have such a one track mind these days.

except there are OUT of a crucial letter for me. Investigating re-stocking date via email now...

Also, I like cats.


  1. love.

    love my neighbor's cat. but we don't let her in her house, even when she begs :P

  2. i don't like it when my neighbors let my cat into their house.

    i get very jealous over him....

  3. i would be a bad neighbor. i'm desperate for someone to get a very nice kitty so he/she can come visit me in my yard.

  4. Goodness, there's really much effective info here!
