Friday, September 5, 2008

our envelopes, embellished

I am going to post our finished invite package, I am. But I couldn't resist posting just the finished envelopes first.

I <3 my stamps.

So when I mailed these yesterday at the Santa Monica post office, I felt a little sad and a little nervous. I asked for them to be hand-cancelled, so I'm hoping that increases their chances of making it to their destinations unscathed.

This must be what it feels like to send your children off to college. All 131 of them.

AND PS. Huge thank you to east side bride for posting my invites on her always inspiring site!


  1. creative idea with the stamps.

    we asked for ours to be hand canceled too and they didn't. i was so pissed when i got the one i mailed to myself. the good news, they still looked awesome and the bulky inside was all intact without any holes in the envelope.

    so pretty!

  2. I love Jenna's writing! She's so talented!

    Can I post your invite on my blog too? I'm in love with it!

  3. those look so great!

  4. wow! where did you find the stamps? I looked, but obviously not very hard.....

  5. So lovely! Jenna's writing, the stamps--beautiful!

  6. WOW! so far what I see is pretty beautiful, lovely photographs! I feel the same way when I mail off invites a little sad to let them go but more excited about the party that they will lead. Nice work!

  7. Girl, those envelopes are the awesome. For reals.

  8. oh my goodness. Those are quite possibly the prettiest envelopes I have seen in my entire life.

    I wanted the black with the white writing. It looks so modern and beautiful.

  9. Wow these are super Fabu-liscious...

  10. Love the envelopes! I've been inspired for my own now! I've posted your envelopes on my blog, I hope that's ok?

  11. where did you find these stamps? I was looking for it to use in Gift Card envelopes.
