Friday, December 12, 2008

my bridesmaids, in their own shade of green

while i'm on the subject of my maids, want to see how my mismatched posse came out?

YEEEEAH. They look good, no? I loved them in their varied shades and different dresses. So those photos I showed you earlier didn't lie after all!

I saw Polka Dot Bride also did a post on this same thing a week or so ago and I cannot say enough how much happier your ladies will be if you let them pick something that looks good on them, that they feel comfy in, and maybe makes them feel just a little bit sexy. (It was a cocktail party after all.)

Now I'm aware this styling isn't for everyone, but just think about it. Plus it's less wasteful when you consider that they will actually wear these dresses again vs. stuffing them in the back of the closet for the next 20 years.

So if you hate the earth, GO AHEAD, make them all buy the same dress. But if you love it, you should consider this excellent option, is all I'm saying.

photos from michéle m. waite, obv.


P said...

I love those dresses. Your bridesmaids look like a stand of little saplings all lined up like that.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing...right out of a magazine! I'm doing the same thing, just with black. Seeing your pictures gives me that much more confidence that I'm doing the right thing! I've always found it so strange to see a bunch of girls dressed identically...if you came to a party and saw 6 other girls wearing the exact same dress, you'd die!

By the way...I'm just a fan of your blog and love your ideas...and I actually made a batch of your spiced nuts for Thanksgiving and they were a huge hit. I have to say they were the most amazing nuts I've ever had! Thanks so much!!!

Melissa said...

I love these dresses and the different shades of green are amazing! They look so nice :)

Rachel said...

Gorgeous. Everyone looks so comfortable and individual. I'm a little weirded out by dressing grown women in matching gowns.

east side bride said...

Worked for me!

Anonymous said...

It was a great idea to decide that the bridesmaids could have different shades of green, they look wonderful!

As a bride-to-be now since fiance recently proposed to me with a gorgeous diamond engagement ring from I also want my bridesmaids to wear different looks that blend together.

It really turned out nice in these photos so I'm going to have this for ours too, thanks!

mimi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love the contrasting colors of these bridesmaid dresses. Thanks for the ideas!

mimi said...

oops deleted my post. your girls look great!

Amber said...

they looked like total babes.

Unknown said...

Hi guys. We are Richard Ivey School of Business Students and we are completing a project about bridesmaids dresses. Could you please fill out this survey! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with those bridesmaids dresses.!! The color is gorgeous and all of the ladies look amazing!