Monday, June 1, 2009

bits from the weekend

It's a sadly dreary monday this morning (um, summer? where art thou?), kind of rainy and grey and not at all the way I like to start the week. I also have to report to jury duty. Which I suppose is kind of perfect, in that monday sort of way. Though I do intend to march into the funny little waiting room and fill out the yellow slip of paper declaring my need for postponement. Again.

So instead of dwelling on such inconveniences as returning to work and fulfilling my civic duty, I will share some weekend shots. It was also grey, and fast, but moderately productive and always satisfying.

Thinning breakfast radishes. Always sad.

But less so when you get to feed the seedlings to your chickens. (I swear I will get tired of posting on the chickens one day).

4 eggs from 4 chickens... we sold the impossibly loud white one on craigslist on Saturday. Love craigslist.

Burgundy okra babies giving it a go in California. Everything grows in California, right?

Hung the lights for Melanie's shower. T-minus 3 weeks. Must start serious menu planning this week.

Pretty dried protea family flowers from last month. Love that they keep looking lovely even when you forget to refill their water for weeks.

And jewel-y roasted beets. Truly one of the most delicious of all simple foods.

There now. Maybe monday won't be so bad.


  1. beets! i can eat beets until i'm red in the face. literally.

  2. oh how lovely! Your garden and chicks make my ache with yearning... you should see my sad basil (NYC gardening ahh....) Thanks for letting my drool over yours!

  3. oooh so many good things...those protea, those beets...and your eggs. i'm jealous ;-)

  4. I love beets..ochre..your chickens and prtoea...this post couldn't get much better for me! Looks like your weekend was fab!

  5. I love that you've been posting about gardening, and the chickens and cooking. None of it ever gets old! : O )

  6. Hi! I LOVE reading your blog...I stumbled across it last week.
    Your chickens are great, and the eggs are beautiful! Thought you might like another reference on being a chook-keeper. enjoy!

  7. Thanks you guys! So nice of you to stop by.

    Weekends are such a good part of life.

  8. stunning shot of flowers! beet salad is making my mouth water...YUM
