Friday, July 17, 2009

just one

I had some problems with my carrot seeds germinating this year. And when I say problems, I mean I only ended up with one.

And I ate it for lunch at work this week. It was purplish and pretty good. I think I'm going to rip out some squash plants and try carrots again. I am reaching my limit on summer squash.

(the camera on the new iPhone is much better, in case you were considering an upgrade. And it's shoots video. Which has actually turned out to be very handy.)

Happy weekend.


  1. Sounds like my efforts at growing tomatoes this year. I got ONE.

    Your nails are lovely, by the way =)

  2. All my mint died, too much rain I guess. Such a mess. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. i love your blog! i just spent hours going through the archives. had know idea you were the genius behind 100 layer cake. so glad i found this!

    soooo jealous of your chikkies

  4. I'm not having much luck with my veggies and herbs this season. We have gotten way too much rain up here in the Northeast.

    Check out my blog:

    Just some ruminations on things I like :-)

  5. Pretty little solo carrot! You shot that with your iphone - I think I do need to upgrade!

  6. for just one carrot, that one's quite a sweetie...

  7. Looks delicious! Lovely nails, too!

  8. sounds a similar story to my arugula transplant. never grew larger than the little pod i bought it in :) take care!

  9. it is one pretty carrot though : )
    I'm going to be starting a small garden shortly...I would love any advice you have to offer. I will be planting any day now! Thanks so much.

  10. Kristina,
    I didn't know you were growing carrots too! mmmm...please try to plant more of those babies so I can have some!


  11. Love the blog and you have totally inspired me to start a little garden. And by garden I mean a tiny little windowsill herb garden box. It's a start!

  12. What a special little carrot then! At least it was purple and fun :) I need to come over and play in your garden. At least until I finally can start my own!

  13. how do you know when they're ready? i pulled two up last week and they were babies, but still delicious.
