Friday, March 12, 2010

More baked goods

But I didn't make these. Melanie brought over a batch after we'd settled in at home with Dashiell. They are soooooo good. For those of you in LA, these ginger scones are the Rockenwagner/3 Square recipe. But I must say that Melanie's are actually kind of better. I think she's perfected them since the recipe was printed in the LA Times a few years ago.

SOOOOO GOOOOODD. Definitely encourage you to try them yourself, especially if you're in love with ginger like we are.

Definitely encouraging myself to eat whatever I want until I feel like I'm ready to start exercising again. Including 2 ginger scones per day if opportunity presents.


  1. thank you. i love ginger. this will be on my will bake soon list.

  2. they look and sound wonderful!

  3. these look amazing! I'm lovin your blog. Thanks for sharing these baked goods...keep 'em comin! xoxo,

  4. I love Rockenwagner! Their apple cinnamon walnut muffins and banana nut muffins are to die for :) I'll be trying this recipe soon. Thanks for posting!

  5. Can't wait to try these! I made Molly's scones last week and they were SO good - but these look amazing too. And I may or may not have had 3 in one sitting. (I'm 7 months pregnant) If you're breastfeeding, that totally entitles you to eat what you like. : )

  6. I love the string of baked good posts! Yes, comfort yourself! Use the full six weeks before getting active ob even told my husband that I was not to cook, clean or grocery shop for 30 days. I did some, but not most and it was heaven to focus on the baby.

  7. Mmmmmm...

    And doesn't breastfeeding require a bazillion calories a day? I'm pretty sure you can handle a couple of scones, guilt free.
