Thursday, August 19, 2010

the best way to display children's art

This is from the September Martha:

Pretty much perfect when it comes to decorating your child's room... especially when it happens to have 15 foot ceilings. Not that I'm envious of the house or anything. But even with normal person ceilings, this is one of the best ideas I've seen in a while. Definitely filing this away for a future must-do project.

(PS. isn't it scary when you start getting September magazines? Am not ready for apple bobbing and talk of turkey.)


  1. you have to laugh at the white shag rug underneath the painting/crafting station! Oh, Martha...

  2. that is a beautiful kids bedroom, such a creative and inspiring room for a kid to dream in.

  3. I would have loved something like that when I was growing up! It would have been filled in a matter of days =)

  4. soo cute. and i am not at all ready for fall yet.

  5. Such a cool idea. Thanks for passing it along!

    I have to admit, I'm ready for fall:)

  6. love this idea, as well as the desk below with paper roll. I was just dog-earing this page in my own copy!

  7. It won't truly have success, I consider this way.
