Friday, June 19, 2009

tablecloths + advice

YAY. Friday you are here.

Do you like my vintage tablecloths I've diligently won on ebay over the last few weeks? 2 were my grandma's but the rest are the result of hours of clicking and subsequent overbidding. I believe I mentioned that I was having a small problem with ebay as of late? But look at my spoils:

aren't they cute?

They are going to be perfect strewn about the tables on the back patio tomorrow eve. But the big question is, should I let the chickens roam free when the ladies are about?

They are relatively well behaved as chickens go. And they mostly keep to themselves. It's just that I'd have to put them away before 5 and that's like a full 3 hours before they normally go back into their coop.

Plus wouldn't it be cute to see chickens scratching around during my rustic-barn-wedding-that-I-didn't-get-so-I-instead-disguised-it-as-my-sister-in-law's-shower?

See her there, above the wheel barrow that I'm going to use as an open cooler-thing for wine? (I had to do a test run when I got home to find the rentals delivered and in the backyard). Wouldn't she make a nice addition?

Opinions please. Brock thinks I should put them away. But he doesn't know. Necessarily.


Connie said...

I've been an avid reader of your blog for months now, but I think this is my first comment! :-o

I love the tablecloths! <3 And the wheelbarrow idea is super - it's going to fit in perfectly. And I say keep the chickens! I'd *love* to go to a party where those little guys were clucking around...

You've put in so much effort for this, I'm certain it will be an absolutely amazing shower! I wish someone had thrown me one half as nice! ;-) I hope it all goes off without a hitch!


Jill said...

Beautiful table clothes, what a collections. I personally wouldn't mind the chickens roaming.

Anonymous said...

Leave them out! Its very Duchess of Devonshire! which I appreciate is a very English reference, but she's a very cool lady, much like yourself. Leave them free to roam, it will make lovely photos.


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Oh YES, you must leave them out! What better fun than to accessorize an outdoor party with cute little chickens walking about!

Love the towels and your idea of placing them on the tables!

This is going to be the party of the season!


Anonymous said...

I think its cute but would your guests be scared of the chickens??

This post is reminding me that I need more table cloths

erin said...

i say let them roam! who doesn't like to see a happy chicken!

Johanna said...

Let them be free!

I love those tablecloths. I have been watching a huge lot of vintage hankerchiefs on ebay to use as napkins/favors for what has turned out to be my rustic barn wedding.. haha! Now I need to get my hands on some tablecloths too!

Andrea said...

Leave the chickens out!
What a lovely idea.

Vanessa Monet said...

She totally goes with the setup. I've had chickens, and while I never had the dilemma of whether to coop them or let them roam during a shower, they do keep to their own business and I doubt they will get in the way. I think they complete the vibe of your rustic setting.
And, if they do get to be a problem, you can always quickly shoo them inside, right?
My vote: leave 'em out. =)

Have fun looks great!

Kristen said...

Oh please, PLEASE don't let the chickens roam! I am scared to death of chickens, or any type of bird for that matter (my best friend made me watch Hitchcock's "The Birds" when I was 5, and I've been traumatized ever since). If you're not scared of birds, you probably can't understand the irrational yet totally paralyzing fear that birds can instill. So if even ONE person at your party is scared of birds, it will be worth hiding them away because you have no idea how much more comfortable that person will be with those little claws and beaks at a safe distance.

M.K. said...

I (also a first time commenter) vote for leaving them out too. But wonder if your guests might try to feed them? If so, they might develop behaviors that will make it difficult to leave them out in the future...

Unknown said...

I love your cite blog, so I figure it is time I let my voice be heard. Especially when it comes to the important dilemma concerning the liberty of your chickens. The only reason I would see to put those cuties away was if they were super people friendly. As in, they would jump on your guests and tables. Seeing as how chickens are not normally so people happy, leave them out! Too cute!

elisabeth said...

I've had backyard parties with my chickens free-ranging around and it's been fine. I haven't met a person who wasn't at least a bit delighted by chickens yet. And with the theme of your event - I think they would be a wonderful addition.

I'd say you need to watch them most before people come over. You don't want them on your tables ruining your lovely tablecloths. Once guests are at the tables the chickens probably won't be brave enough to be right in the midst of the action.

yes, please said...

hi kristina! oh, i wish i could say let them roam. in theory i love chickens! but in reality - i'd be horribley afraid of them. like Kristen, i have this completely irrational fear of birds (yes, even the cute ones), and even with all the wine in the world I'd never be able to take my eyes off those things and relax. maybe you could leave them out and then if any fraidycats like myself arrive you can wrangle them up?
have so much fun this weekend. i am dying to see what you've put together. will be picture perfect as always! xo

Celia said...

i say, let them roam! i went to a mediterranean restaurant once in north hollywood, of all places. anyway, it's kind of like an enclosed patio situation and they had like 5 or 6 chickens just hanging out and walking around. odd, considering l.a. health code standards are SO strict, but I was way into it! of course, i wouldn't have been able to order chicken, but i'm not a big fan of eating chicken anyway... bring on the pork!!

Unknown said...

I have a feeling Brock is going to lose this one. :)

Your backyard looks awesome! You are undoubtedly a most excellent shower hostess.

tinatina said...

let the chickens roam about! they are attack chickens are they?

Abbie said...

I've been looking for vintage tablecloths on Ebay... for some reason, I don't find any as nice as the ones you've collected.

I think leave the chickens out. If anyone seems adverse to them, then you could put them away for the meal. It looks like it'll be fantastic!

Kristin said...

I'd leave 'em out... it's not like you can't corral them back into the coop if there are any guests who have problems with them or if they start misbehaving. I'm sure they'll just keep to themselves, but their very presence add to the whole vibe.

Love the table linens, love the wheelbarrow... it's all wonderful!

{oc cottage} said...

Oh, I think the chickens would be charming!!!!

m ^..^

east side bride said...

yeah, city people think chickens look charming, but faced with em they are sometimes scared.

plus, do you have any kids coming? boys will chase and girls will be deathly afraid.

Anonymous said...

I'd ask your sister-in-law and as long as she was okay with it then I'd totally leave them out!

Anonymous said...

Leave them out. If they start acting up, you can put them away (or have your hubby chicken-sit)


MFAMB said...

roam free chickens!!! roam FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!! lovely chickens. i am thinking about getting some of my own chickens. in fact any quick advice you can throw at me would be WELL appreciated.
btw-tablecloths are fabulous. i am jealous of your reckless abandon with the ebizzle...

100layercake said...

I say maybe let one out to roam (for the barnyard vibe's sake)? Will the others be jealous though? (do chickens get jealous? :)
That way if someone at the party gets uncomfortable then you can quickly scoop up the chick and send her back to her cage with the others. It might prove to be a bridal chicken chase otherwise! have fun!


kristina said...

Kay. so that's like a lot of roam frees, a few scared of bird folks and another few who are being like, rational and stuff.

I think I'll ask the bride what she thinks. I would hate to have a terrified guest, but I still kind of want them roaming about. I'm selfish sometimes, what else can I say?

I'll let you know how it turns out.

style-for-style said...

love everything, even the chickens, as long as they don't peck! ouch!

sk said...

Oh, leave them out! They'll be the hit of your party. Love those tablecloths!

erin kate said...

whenever we have people over to bbq i always leave the chickens out. they are so entertaining!

On Second Street said...

I had a similar vintage tablecloth addiction a few years ago. I love them! Cute ideas! Love the wheelbarrow. Your chickens are charming.

Sprouted Kitchen said...

Let them roam!!! Completes the ambiance and will make conversation!

Anonymous said...

Leave em' out! It would be a very nice touch, and they'll probably keep to themselves . . .

Kate said...

I too wish I could say leave them out, but I am not a huge fan of birds and can totally see somebody freaking out about them. Sorry! The tablecloths are fantastic and I love the idea of the wheelbarrow as a cooler. You are so fantastic.

Amanda said...

(I know I am too late but ROAMING CHICKENS!!!!!!!)

(And also they are *lovely* tablecloths)

trishie said...

The table cloths are just so beautiful. Let the chickens roam..i think.

Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with vintage linens. Don't put them away, they're gorge!

Megan said...

If you decide to sell the tablecloths PLEASE email me, reduce, reuse, recycle!

Thetableclothssilke said...

As I look at just the tablecloths, the classic diamond pattern with is, as it is also popular in Germany.