Friday, August 28, 2009

No, jcrew. Just no.

I've been with you for quite some time now and with each catalog I get in the mail (which is approx. one per week), I congratulate you for styling your apparel in a lovely and tempting way.

But this last one, there's really no way to soften the blow here. It was not good. And I'm referring to the cover, in particular.

Chambray button down shirts OVER the white turtle neck wasn't a good idea even at the peak of popularity sometime during the late 80s/early 90s. I'm sorry, but no amount of interesting lipstick, pretty models or strands of pearls are going to make this look work. And the sweater is just making it more absurd.

However to prove that I am generally pleased with your catalog, I give you these fine examples that I really like...

GAAAAH. The tights. I love the textured tights and mis-matched shoes. Especially that photo on the left. If I could buy cute shorts right now and/or could conceive of planning my outfits for fall, I'd definitely be heading this direction.

And such cute, simple wedding styling. I love the skinny belt on the bride. And I think I just like the colors on the right. But that's fair, right?

Alas I am not currently shopping for new clothes. Which is actually great for the saving of monies, but bad for fall fashion morale.


MFAMB said...

she looks like kathryn hepburn!!! gorgeous. albeit not a realistic look unless you look like that model. otherwise i could see it with some tweed like trousers and a messy bun. i feel it.

kristina said...

but WITH the denim shirt???

i don't think khep wore denim shirts, though i am no expert.

Holly said...

your shoes are on SALE!

sorry this isnt related to jcrew :)

kristina said...

Holly, you temptress.

And they are cheap. geez. How DOES a girl pass that up? They don't have my size left. sadly. But shopbop does. however shopbop is not AS discounted.

Someone go buy those shoes. Seriously. it's killing me.

Anonymous said...

Looks cutely styled on the cover but would be dowdy IRL. Agree, the tights are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Here Here!

. . . made me LOL

100layercake said...

Stina, I agree! I thought the exact same thing (of course) when I got this catalog. It's already in the recycle bin. hmmmf.

Kate said...

She looks just like Kathryn Hepburn in that picture. I had to come see if anybody else made the comment. I wouldn't wear it, but I don't hate it on the beautiful skinny model.

Love the tights.

Anonymous said...

I concur. And I'm glad to hear someone else feel the same. I was afraid I'd gone conservative and lame with my stylishness.

Rita Finn said...

I had the same response to the cover ... cotton turtleneck with pearls? But why? Some of the styling on the inside does make up for it, but it does bring back some bad fashion memories, doesn't it?

Katie said...

I started laughing to myself while reading this post b/c I was feeling the EXACT same way with the exact same pictures that you are talking about. (a white turtleneck....) i mean really!!! Hopefully they snap out of it and realize that orange lipstick and layered nonsense isn't going to cut it!! ;-)

Joslyn said...

i'm with you on the denim shirt over turtleneck. no....just no.

Unknown said...

I am soo with you {re: chambray turtleneck cover combination}. Love this lovely {new-to-me} blog.


muebles pinto said...

The chap is completely right, and there's no skepticism.