Tuesday, January 5, 2010

unreasonably cute kids clothes


Magugu Toto. Handmade kids clothes in old fashiony styles. Like little sundresses with bloomers. I will never get tired of bloomers.

Le wow. These are cute enough to make me reeeeallly hope we have a girl. If not I will buy a few outfits anyway and stash them somewhere in the hopes that we eventually have a girl. Especially the aqua one on the bottom left. SO cute in person.

And baby quilts. I have nearly purchased the animal one 3 different times. It's on sale. CANNOT PASS IT UP. But my mom insists that people want to give us things for baby so we shouldn't buy a bunch of stuff. But clearly no one will give me such a cute simple quilt for the bargain price of more than half off.

I found the line at Parasols Boutique at Leaping Lotus in Solana Beach. I'm generally not a huge fan of Leaping Lotus, to tell the truth. I'm sure they have plenty of nice things but it's soooooo full of stuff I get overwhelmed. I'm not sure what possessed me to go in this time, but clearly it was to find these clothes in a tiny sliver of a shop. It took all my willpower not to buy something.


I am torturing myself.

But now I've shared. Perhaps one of you will buy one of these little jewels for your existing babies. I will try to feel good about that when I check back in 6.5 weeks and everything I love on the site is gone.

Wait, I need to also say that I fully realize the joys of parenthood are not measured in how cute your kids clothes are... but still. Can't we indulge ourselves everyone once in a while??? For the most perfect little dress with bloomers? Or just one teeny animal quilt?


Kristen said...

The lettered onesie is my favorite! Love these!

P*P*P said...

Goodness! Those are all so adorable!!! It'll be so fun to play dress-up with your adorable baby!

Chaucee said...

I love the bottom two pictured here! So cute : )

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Indulge all you want...they are totally worth it!

Amanda said...

I say buy the quilt. It's too. cute.

Mary Katherine said...

I just found your blog today and have loved reading and looking at your wonderful pictures. I plan to check back often. Do you mind if I make a link to your page from my blog?

Camille said...

Bloomers are so adorable! I love them! I want to have a kid so I can buy them!

Anonymous said...

I love bloomers, so much so that my son wore them as an infant. Not so common on boys these days but I loved them dearly on him.

fasana*design said...

TRUTH: My 'baby' is 6 and I still LOVE to buy clothes for her. I know that they don't make her, 'her', but it is fun for me. Buy the quilt - no regrets. :) it's great to include your kiddos in your shopping hobby!

bigBANG studio said...

I just sent the quilt with the aminals (Yes, aminals. Just look at them. Those are am-i-nals) to my darling friend who is due in two and a half weeks. Those nine months go by SO quickly! Thanks for the cute baby schtuff.

Anonymous said...

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow /Hey thanks man!! you are so good. I think this the perfect work.

Kids Clothes

www.murcia-3d.com said...

This can't succeed as a matter of fact, that is exactly what I believe.

cheekybaby said...

Cute kids clothes

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