Monday, July 19, 2010

Rifle does a recipe box

Which I very badly need. Want is not the appropriate word. Need.

And she of course makes pretty recipe cards too. I already sent the link to Brock. Like, um, dear husband? If you were perchance looking to buy me a gift in the the near future? This would be the one.


  1. Ah! No joke. I just wish they were not so vintagely pricy!

  2. this is beautiful!!!!! I agree, you do NEED this :-) haha.

  3. I've had my eye on this guy. I too am in a state of need.

  4. love this! i've been looking for a perfect recipe box forever!

  5. i love this! wish i was crafty enough to make my own... would never be this cute.

  6. That is much nicer than the recipe box I have. But yes, I do own a recipe box. I don't really use it as much as I'd like to, though...
