Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Yummy Tummy baby food

Saw this at the Venice farmer's market on Friday:

Super fresh organic baby food! This is really only a good post if you live here because as far as I can tell, you can't buy it anywhere else so far. But I was mostly inspired by her pretty jars full of bright food. Her site has a list of some of her flavors, which might good to reference if you're into making your own.

I cannot WAIT to make baby food in all sorts of delicious combinations. We're getting close, but I have to say I'm not sure if I'm ready, weirdly. That will mean my baby is so big! Of course the lure of better sleep with baby cereal is tempting.

Also learned one v. interesting bit of information. She makes young coconut baby food, which is totally delicious. I tasted it. But more importantly it has a nutrient (I forget what it is) that is only found in young coconuts and breast milk. Isn't that cool? So if you are feeding your baby formula for one reason or another, you could supplement them with a bit of pureed coconut too.

My friend Ami recommended Super Baby Food as a good reference for making your own. So far it seems to have lots of great info. Ami, btw, makes insanely delicious sounding food for her daughter Lila. Like sweet potatoes with cumin and ginger. I would totally eat that.


  1. Hi Kristina! I love your blog, and your baby is adorable. I immediately thought of this Honest Fare blog entry when I read your post: http://honestfare.com/hungry-baby/ Seriously I wish I had/was a baby, these look sooo yummy.

  2. I love this!!! Babies need yummy organic goodness! xo

  3. thanks....i did not know about the young coconut! super baby food is excellent. also feeding the whole family by cynthia lair is a personal fave (not really a baby food book per se but some great ideas for feeding kids in general).

  4. Catherine- OOOH, thanks for the link. Gorgeous baby food. How have I missed Honest Fare up until now? It's so cute.

    Jora - must look into Feeding the Whole Fam. I'm so excited to feed my kid(s).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. love the coconut!
    it is high in lauric acid, which is known for being antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and boosts the immune system.
    and the reason it's added to baby formula is that lauric acid is considered a MCT (medium chain triglyceride) - easy to digest and very healing.
    oh, i'm so inspired, i think i have to blog about coconut!

  7. I like this Super fresh organic baby food. This is remarkable. I appreciate this fabulous baby food.

  8. Here, I do not actually consider it is likely to have effect.
