Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunset mag

Every month when I open the new Sunset I think, I seriously need to do a post on how much I love this magazine. And then I promptly forget once I've read through the pages and dog-eared half of them. I had to email myself last week to remind me to do this post.

In a few words, it's pretty much a perfect magazine. And now that Gourmet is gone (though perhaps making a comeback?), it's even better. It has most everything I love about life: food, gardening, backyard patios, home decor, living in California, little trips around the west, and a smattering of trendy ideas, like airstream trailers and gourmet ice cream shops. It doesn't have any fashion or make up tips or relationship advice, thank god. It's so relevant to my life at this moment, which is exactly what the perfect magazine should be. Yay Sunset! You've seriously stepped it up in the last year.

Let me show you around the latest issue:

It's the national park issue, which couldn't have been more perfect timing considering when I picked it out the mailbox we were just packing for Yosemite.

Best river float: the Merced, through Yosemite Valley. It IS pretty awesome, though we couldn't partake this year with the babe. Here's a little secret, the Merced is actually more beautiful up the in Yosemite backcountry, about a day's hike out of the valley. But you can only enjoy it if you're backpacking. One day we'll backpack again.

Glacier... one day we'll go there too.

An awesome little spread on repurposing found objects: a shutter succulent garden,

Sewer pipe planters,

And a gate made from old oars. Pretty genius.

A pretty, wine-racked kitchen.

A rustic cabin modern remodel. Yum.

A family of pioneer caretakers in Montana.

I love a good set of raised beds.

Gastrique. A balsamic vinegar, fig cocktail mixer. I will be making this at some point this summer.

Peak season recipes.

And party ideas.

Plus the Sunset website has all sorts of great stuff too. Like a summer canning guide (we all know how much I love to can), growing and eating tomatillos (yay! I have tomatillos growing out back), and a photo gallery of modern cabins.

I could go on, but I will let you explore a bit on your own.


Kathryn said...


i dream of sunshine said...

I AGREE! The second I get my sunset issue in the mail I want to bust it open! :)
LOVE your blog btw... it one of my dailies :)
XO. -mia.

blake said...

totally agree! I was eyeing that shutter-succulent idea with some serious intent. My back deck needs that type of vertical prettiness.

Anonymous said...

No joke - 5 minutes ago I came across this month's Sunset magazine in a pile of mail that needs to be sorted. I thought to myself "What is this doing in a pile, I need to READ IT!". I love love love Sunset!!! :)

paper{whites} said...

My BFF JUST made me sit down and flip through this issue to show me how great this mag is (and how far it's come). Thank you for blogging about it. Time to take advantage of the subscription offer that I've been saving.

Annette said...

Sunset is one of my favorite magazines!!! Love it.

Kelsey said...

Me too me too! We are in the Phoenix area and I love getting the restaurant recommendations. Last weekend we had a date and both the restaurant and dessert place were from Sunset. So in love with those succulent shutters...

christina said...

omg kindred spirit! i LOVE sunset's the best!!

i love the vintage back issues too...

Anna said...

I've been considering a subscription (I own the home decor book by Sunset mag and I adore it!) and now I'm sold. Thanks for this post!

sk said...

It looks gorgeous. I have seen a few copies in the past, but they made me a little bit crazy because the gardening/travel sections weren't relevant to a southeast gal like me. I would LOVE to have something like this for my region. Garden & Gun is somewhat similar, and geared toward the south, but it doesn't have much in the way of recipes or home decor articles.
I may just have to check Sunset out again next time I'm at the bookstore! That Oar Gate is pretty genius!

brooke said...

Oh, how I {heart} Sunset mag! The only problem I have is I get them handed down from my mother who lives in Oregon, so I'm always a few months behind, and I get the version localized to her region rather than mine. I'm not really complaining because I love vacationing up there, but I suppose one of these days I'll need to get my own subscription so I can get all of their timely NorCal advice!

Holly said...

agreed. they really have been pulling it out lately and getting much hipper than it used to be when my parents got it. (or was i just clueless then?)

Beth said...

You're tempting me to subscribe with all those pretty pictures and interesting sounding content. :)

P.S. What beautiful shots of your Yosemite trip! Thanks for sharing.

caroline said...

I love Sunset. I subscribed when we moved to southern CA 3 years ago, and it's been so helpful in learning about things to do/see nearby. I cut out their day trip articles and have them collected in a binder for us/our guests.

We went to Glacier last year (and Yellowstone and Grand Teton on the way home), and it was breathtaking.

Char said...

i always love pretty magazines!

Yumi @ Natsukashii said...

This is my absolute favorite magazine :) Every month I sit and pour through each page from recipes and So Cal Day Trips. We've never been let down with their recommendations. Stayed at the best place in Zion National Park - The Desert Pearl Inn thanks to their suggestion!

Bridget said...

i might need to get that

Farm with a View said...

Hello fellow LA urban farmer!
I was able to snag a subscription awhile ago for something like $5 a year. Best decision ever. Although my garden never looks as purty as theirs, it's still great inspiration.


Lyann said...

I am subscribing now! Thanks for reminding me;)

Anonymous said...

Completely agree! In fact, it is one of the things I will miss subscription to Sunset. I'm moving to Sydney soon, and I'm hoping to find a good substitute. Maybe Notebook? Donna Hay? There must be something down under, right?

heather{land} said...

I know! The National Park feature made me want to go camping or tripping somewhere mucho pronto!

Heather Anderson said...

Does anyone happen to have an extra copy of this issue? I've been looking everywhere and can't get my hands on it. My boyfriend mentioned how much he wanted a copy, so I want to give it to him as part of his birthday present. If you have an extra copy (or are willing to sell yours) please send me an email:
Thank you!