Thursday, January 8, 2009

pretty, simple wedding dresses

Kay, i KNOW i'm already done with the bride thing... but i have many important friends who are not. My friend Katya is looking for dresses now so OF COURSE i immediately volunteered to go dress shopping with her. It's like once you are married you are a wedding expert who must spread your magical wedding knowledge dust on all who plan weddings after yours. I hope my friends tell me when they've had enough.

Nicole Miller 09

These dresses have potential, no? I was doing "research" for Katya, I swear. I am such a good friend. Sacrificing precious internet surfing time on wedding dresses...


Anonymous said...

haha I already give my engaged friend, who is getting married 3 months before me, advice :) I sit on the computer all day researching wedding stuff and she isn't a computer person so i am the wedding expert :) I too hope my friends tell me when to shut up :)

Anonymous said...

I love the bottom left dress!

JennyLee said...

I swear I love everything Nicole Miller makes.

Lisa's Yarns said...

I LOVE those dresses!! They are so stunning. I love simple, elegant dresses. When I get married (someday hopefully) I will definitely chose a silhouette similar to these dresses. Esp the first one.

east side bride said...

I know, right? I'm waiting to stop being obsessed.

posicionamiento web said...

It will not succeed in actual fact, that is what I think.